Solar Plexus Chakra: Balancing Energy for Confidence

The Solar Plexus chakra also known as the Manipura, is the 3rd main chakra in the human energy system. It’s believed to be located a few fingers above the naval, between the naval and the base of the sternum.

The fire element and the color yellow represent the solar plexus chakra. The Manipura chakra is associated with will, power and self-esteem. When this chakra is balanced, it promotes confidence, strength and control.

The Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol and Mantra

The chakra is represented by a 10-petal lotus flower with a red triangle facing downwards. The 10 petals essentially represent the qualities of the chakra. At the center is the beej mantra “RAM”. 

“RAM” is the mantra of the solar plexus chakra. 

  • The mantra for activating the chakra: “Om Kram Krim Krum Sah Bhomaye Namha”
  • The mantra for balancing the chakra: “Om Angarkaye Namha”
  • The mantra for healing the chakra: “Om Bhumiputraye Namha”

Functions of the Solar Plexus Chakra

It’s believed that every chakra has certain physical and psychological functions in the human body. Some of the functions of the solar plexus chakra are:

Physical functions
  • Digestive system: Digestive organs like stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine, are all controlled by the solar plexus chakra. When this chakra is balanced, it helps the body digest food more easily, absorb nutrients from food, remove waste from the body in a healthy manner.
  • Metabolism: A balanced Manipura chakra helps keep the body’s metabolism healthy and active. 
  • Adrenal glands: It influences the functions of the adrenal glands which produces stress and anxiety relaxing hormones.
  • Autonomic nervous system: It regulates the autonomic nervous system which controls things like breathing, digestion and heart rate. 
Psychological functions
  • Self-esteem: The solar plexus chakra is responsible for confidence and self-esteem. When the chakra is balanced, it promotes self-love, self-acceptance and confidence.
  • Willpower: This chakra has an influence on strong will and drive. A balanced solar plexus chakra helps in staying motivated, focused and determination. 
  • Personal power: The Manipura chakra represents personal power and self-control. When this chakra is balanced, people may feel more confident and make independent choices.
  • Identity: The chakra can control who we are as a person and self-worth. A balanced chakra can give a clearer sense of purpose, direction in life and self-worth.
  • Emotions: A balanced chakra lets you show and control your feelings in a healthy way. Feelings such as anger, frustration and control. 

Signs of a balanced Manipura Chakra

  • Healthy digestive system: A balanced Manipura chakra promotes a healthy bowel movement, fewer instances of feeling bloated or gassy and not much effort is required to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Strong immunity: Less prone to get sick and get better faster after any health issues. A strong immunity is one of many benefits of a balanced Manipura chakra.
  • Energy and stamina: Feeling more energized and stamina while doing daily tasks and work.
  • Boost in self-esteem and confidence: One may gain more faith in their skills and gain more confidence. 
  • Clearer sense of identity and purpose: You may gain a clearer sense of who you are, what you stand for and what you want in life.
  • Driven: You may feel more powerful to take action toward your goals and dreams.
  • Better decision-making: Making clear and confident choices without any doubts in mind.
  • Happiness: Feeling happiness and joy in the little things. Having a positive mindset even duing setbacks.
  • Emotional clarity: Your emotions may not control your actions when the solar plexus chakra is balanced. 

Signs of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

Various physical, mental and emotional symptoms can be a cause of an imbalanced chakra that doesn’t receive a smooth flow of energy.

Physical signs
  • Digestive issues: Digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcers are some of the issues that can occur.
  • Skin problems: A blocked or imbalanced solar plexus chakra may lead to eczema, acne or other skin issues.
  • Lack of energy: Even after getting proper sleep, a person might feel tired and low energy.
  • Body weight issues: A person with a blocked Manipura chakra might experience trouble in losing weight or keeping a healthy weight. Alternatively, if you gain or lose weight drastically, that could also be a sign of a blocked chakra.
  • Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar can also be a cause of a blocked chakra. It can lead to feeling dizzy, having headaches and trouble concentrating.
Emotional signs
  • Low self-esteem: You might start doubting yourself and your own abilities.
  • Fear and anxiety: Feeling worried, scared or nervous might arise without any reason sometimes.
  • Lack of motivation: One might feel lost in life and not have any motivation or goals.
  • Unable to make decisions: Feeling indecisive and unsure are signs of a blocked solar plexus chakra.
  • Feeling angry and irritable: Small things could have an effect on a person, even very small things.
  • Lack of joy: You might not feel happiness in things and feel bored and unmotivated.
Mental signs
  • Lack of focus: You might find it difficult to keep focus and concentrate on your work.
  • Negative thoughts: You might judge yourself and get negative thoughts about yourself and life.
  • Communication problems: You might experience problems in expressing yourself and get uncomfortable around other people.

It’s important to note that the effects of a blocked chakra are different for each individual. If you’re experiencing such problems, it’s important to balance your solar plexus chakra.

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra

woman performing warrior yoga pose to activate solar plexus chakra
Photo by ArtHouse Studio
Physical practices
  • Yoga poses: Poses like the warrior pose (Virabhadrasana), boat pose (Navasana), plank pose (Chaturanga Dandasana), cobra pose (Bhujangasana) and bow pose (Chakrasana) can effect your core and stomach. Doing these yoga exercises, can help energy flow smoothly through the Manipura chakra.
  • Breathing exercises: Practice breathing through your abdomen. This can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help relax the mind and body.
  • Sunlight: Being in the sun can help active the chakra. Try being in the sun for as much time as possible.
  • Massage: A massage can help clear the solar plexus area and release stress and open any blockage.
Dietary practices
  • Eat yellow foods: It’s believed that yellow foods are associated with the solar plexus chakra. Food items like bananas, lemons, pineapples, corn, mustard and similar yellow foods are believed to feed the chakra and help it work in a better way.
  • Avoid processed food and sugary drinks: Processed food and high-sugar content drinks are harder to digest and can make the Manipura chakra weak.
  • Fiber diet: Fiber can help process food and get rid of waste from the body. Try including lots of fiber in your diet.
  • Drink plenty of water: Water is an important resource for our body and promotes a healthy body. It also helps the chakra work better.
Emotional and mental practices
  • Positive thinking: Saying positive phrases like ‘I am strong’, ‘I am confident’, ‘I am in-charge of my life’ and ‘I deserve love and respect’ can help improve your sub-conscious mind and make you feel better about yourself.
  • Visualization: Imagine yourself surrounded by this chakra’s yellow light. Picture it making you feel warm, strong and confident.
  • Meditation: While meditating, think of the color yellow and the chakra’s symbol. Focus on balancing the chakra.
  • Spend time in nature: Being in nature can help balance all your chakras and not only the solar plexus chakra. Go for a walk in the park, relax by a river or just breathe in fresh air.
  • Express your creativity: Try doing things that let you express your creativity like painting, writing etc. It can help you communicate in a better way.
  • Get professional help: If you’re unable to balance your chakra on your own, speak with a therapist or psychologist. They may be able to guide you in a better way.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is solar plexus chakra responsible for?
  • Physical functions: Digestive system, metabolism, adrenal glands and autonomic nervous system.
  • Psychological functions: Self-esteem, willpower, personal power, identity, and emotions.
Q2: What happens when solar plexus chakra is blocked?

Various physical, mental and emotional symptoms can be a cause of an imbalanced chakra that doesn’t receive a smooth flow of energy.

  • Physical signs: Digestive issues, skin problems, lack of energy, body weight issues, and hypoglycemia.
  • Emotional signs: Low self-esteem, fear and anxiety, lack of motivation, unable to make decisions, feeling angry and irritable, lack of joy.
  • Mental signs: Lack of focus, negative thoughts and communication problems.

It’s important to note that the effects of a blocked chakra are different for each individual. If you’re experiencing such problems, it’s important to balance your solar plexus chakra.

Q3: What emotions are stored in the solar plexus?

This chakra is associated with various emotions both positive and negative. Some of the prominent ones are:

  • Positive emotions: Confidence, willpower, joy and enthusiasm, personal power and creativity.
  • Negative emotions: Anger, frustration, fear and anxiety.
Q4: How do I activate my Manipura chakra?

The Manipura chakra can be activated through physical, dietary and mental practices. Here are a few examples:

  • Physical practices: Yoga poses, breathing exercises, sunlight and massage.
  • Dietary practices: Eat yellow foods, avoid processed food and sugary drinks, fiber diet and drink plenty of water.
  • Emotional and mental practices: Positive thinking, visualization, meditation, spend time in nature, express your creativity and get professional help.
Q5: Which God represents Manipura chakra?

Each religion that believes in the concept of chakras and its energy, has its own set of gods connected to the chakra. Here are some of the most popular examples:

  • Hinduism: In Hinduism, lord Vishnu is considered to be the god of protection and represents the Sun and fire, which are associated with the Manipura chakra. Additionally, goddess Lakshmi and lord Shiva’s fierce form Rudra, represent abundance and creativity, and the ability to change and let go of negativity, respectively.
  • Buddhism: Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of kindness, represents the healing and transforming power of the Manipura chakra. Additionally, Akshobhya, the wisdom Buddha of the East, and the Manipura chakra are linked to stability and unwavering.
  • Tantrism: As per tantrism, Vahni is the god of fire and represents the Manipura chakra and its transformative fire power. Additionally, Lakini is the yogini associated with the chakra and stand for the power to create and produce.
  • Ancient Egypt: As per Egyptian mythology, Ra is the god of the Sun and the element of fire, and is associated with the Manipura chakra.

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