The Root Chakra: A Journey to Stability and Security

The Root chakra which is also known as the Muladhara chakra in some parts of the world is the first out of the 7 chakras. It is said to  be located between the anus and the genitals near the base of the human spine. 

The element associated with the Root chakra is Earth and the color it represents is red. It is believed that the Root chakra is responsible for stability, security and grounding.

image of a woman meditating with a sound bowl next to her

The Symbol and Mantra of the Root Chakra

The symbol of the Root chakra is a lotus flower with 4 red petals. The lotus represents knowledge, purity and rebirth and is seen as a sacred emblem in many different cultures. The 4 petals of the lotus represent the 4 elements: Earth, air, fire and water.

The mantra connected to  the Muladhara chakra is ‘LAM’. It’s believed that the sound ‘LAM’ and its vibration can activate and balance this chakra. The mantra can be chanted during daily activities or meditation out loud or quietly. 

Functions of the Root Chakra

  • Grounding: The Root chakra makes people feel grounded and linked to the earth. This feeling makes us experience a sense of tranquility, safety and steadiness.
  • Security: When the Muladhara chakra is balanced you may feel a sense of safety and security in existence. Additionally, you may sense a strong foundation holding you and that you’re not alone in  the world.
  • Stability: This chakra can make you feel steady and in balance. Stability in the sense of the physical and spiritual realms. A healthy Root chakra may give you a sense of mastery over life and you may be less prone to being influenced by external factors of the world.

Negative Effects of Blocked Muladhara Chakra

  • Anxiety: If the flow of energy isn’t smooth and the Root chakra is blocked, it’s believed that a person may experience feelings of anxiety and insecurity. The feeling of being grounded that a healthy Muladhara chakra may bring could be lost.
  • Fear: During this time you may feel a sense of fear. It could be fear of the unknown or change in one’s life.
  • Depression: Another sign of  a blocked Root chakra is depression. It’s possible that a person may feel sad and unmotivated during this time and think that their life has no meaning.

Ways to Balance the Root Chakra

  • Grounding exercises: There are a number of grounding exercises in Yoga that can help with balancing the Root chakra. Some of these yoga poses are Malasana, Uttanasana, Squats, Utkatasana etc. By doing such exercises you might feel a stronger connection to the earth.
  • Spending time in nature: Walking, hiking, gardening, yoga and running are some of  the activities you can go for that connects you to nature. Spending time in nature can greatly help you in feeling more connected to earth and feel more grounded in general. 
  • Affirmations: Affirmations are basically positive statements that you can repeat to yourself. Saying these positive statements can reprogram your subconscious thoughts. Some example statements like ‘I am safe’, ‘I am secure’ and ‘I am one with the Earth’.

Healing Crystals Associated with Root Chakra

Some of the healing crystals associated with this chakra are:

  • Garnet: This crystal is grounding and can help you feel more close to the Earth and also feel safer and more stable.
  • Bloodstone: The bloodstone crystal can help you revive and reenergize.
  • Jasper: Jasper is a nourishing crystal that can help in loving yourself.

The Muladhara Chakra Oils

There are certain oils that can activate and balance the Root chakra. Some of these oils are:

  • Sandalwood: It promotes a sense of calm and peace of mind.
  • Patchouli: This oil can increase the sense of safety and steadiness.
    Cedarwood: Cedarwood is  a strengthening oil that can help in increasing self assurance and self respect.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is blocking my root chakra?

The feeling of fear, lack of safety, past trauma, stress, materialistic desires and self-pity are some of  the reasons why this chakra may be imbalanced or blocked from receiving energy.

Q2: What happens when root chakra is weak?

A weak or imbalanced Muladhara chakra can affect the physical, mental and spiritual health of  a person.

Physical symptoms may include: Tiredness, indigestion, lower-back pain, muscle pain, a weak immune system.

Mental symptoms may include: Fear, depression and self-doubt. 

Q3: How do I activate my root chakra?

Some ways the Muladhara chakra can be activated by are:

  • Doing certain exercises like Malasana, Uttanasana, Squats, Utkatasana 
  • Walking, hiking, gardening, yoga and running
  • Reciting positive statements like ‘I am safe’, ‘I am secure’ and ‘I am one with the Earth’
Q4: Where is Muladhara chakra located in female body?

The Muladhara chakra is said to  be located between the anus and the genitals, near the base of the human spine in both females and males.

Q5: Who is the god of Muladhara chakra?

As per Hinduism and yogic spiritual systems lord Ganesha is believed to be the god of the Muladahara chakra.

Q6: What is Muladhara blocked by?

The feeling of fear, lack of safety, past trauma, stress, materialistic desires and self-pity are some of  the reasons why the Muladhara chakra may be imbalanced or blocked from receiving energy.

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