What is Vedic Astrology?

what is vedic astrology

What is Vedic Astrology?

Many people have been looking to  the stars for hundreds of years to find meaning and direction which led to the birth of astrology. The purpose of this article is  to look into the world of Vedic astrology and talk about its origin, importance and the ways in which it  is different from Western astrology.

What does Vedic astrology mean?

Vedic astrology is also known as Jyotish Shastra. Is an ancient art of astrology that has  its roots in the Vedas (the holy books of Hinduism). That name is also used for Vedic astronomy. The word “Jyotish” translates to “science of light” or “science of heavenly bodies.” This in-depth study looks into  the possible connections between star patterns and events on earth.

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The Origins of Vedic Astrology

It’s believed that Vedic astrology originated more than 5,000 years ago  in India. An important source for this area of study is  the Vedas, especially the Atharva Veda which talks about astrology and astronomy. In ancient India, pundits or gurus carefully  recorded the movement of stars and planets. This laid the groundwork for  the larger astrological practice that still exist today in  the modern world.

Understanding the Difference Between Vedic and Western Astrology

Vedic and Western astrology are like two siblings that were raised in different parts of  the world. Both have  their own unique characteristics, practice and belief. Let’s take a look at  the main differences between the two. 

1- Zodiac system

Vedic astrology: In Vedic astrology, the sidereal zodiac is used. This zodiac is  in line with where the planets and stars are positioned. It  is divided into 12 equal parts, which is similar to Western astrology. However it has a very different link with  the different constellations.

Western astrology: Western astrology follows the Tropical zodiac, which is based on where the Sun is  at the time of the spring equinox. It also consists of 12 zodiac signs.

2- Charts Interpretation

Vedic astrology: In this type of astrology, birth charts also called Kundalis, are used to find  out a lot about a person’s life, including the past, the present and the future. It’s important for astrologers to know Moon signs, also called  Janma Rashi.

Western astrology: The Sun sign is  very important in Western astrology. The Sun sign is based on where the Sun was when a person was  born. As per western astrology, a person’s astrological sign sheds light on some of  their most basic personality traits.

3- House System

Vedic astrology: A lot of people who study Vedic astrology use  the Whole Sign House System and the Placidus House System to figure out  the houses. 

Western astrology: In western astrology, the Placidus House system is used most of the time.

4- Nakshatras

Vedic astrology: The Nakshatras, which are also called “lunar mansions,” are  an important part of Vedic astrology because they  give additional knowledge and help make predictions.

Western astrology: The Nakshatras, which are groups of stars, are  not part of Western astrology.

Similar article: Nakshatras: Their Importance In Vedic Astrology

5- Prediction Techniques

Vedic astrology: A lot of different methods, like  the Vimshottari Dasha, are used by Vedic astrologers to predict what  may happen in a person’s life.

Western astrology: In western astrology, progressions and transits are used  to make predictions.

Vedic astrology is  an ancient practice that looks into the mysterious parts of  the universe and how they affect our lives. It is  a very complex system but also  a powerful tool for self-discovery because it gives advice on everything from work choices to personal growth and  the connections you keep. Learning more about this very old practise can be  a life-changing event that brings you closer to  the divine forces that decide your fate. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is Vedic astrology more accurate?
  • Not everyone agrees on  how accurate Vedic astrology is compared to Western astrology. Many people say that vedic astrology is more Accurate because it uses  more complicated Math and the Sidereal zodiac Others on  the other hand think that Western astrology which is based  on the tropical  zodiac, is more correct because it fits better with what we  know about astrology now.
Q2: Is Vedic astrology is true?
  • Vedic astrology has not  been proven by Science. Even so, a lot  of people believe in Vedic astrology because it has correctly predicted what  will happen in their lives. Many people use Vedic astrology to  understand their Karma patterns and make smart decisions.
Q3: Is Vedic astrology good?
  • Vedic astrology is  a useful tool for getting to know yourself and growing as  a person. People can learn more about their strengths, weaknesses, potential and limits through this Process. It can also be used to guess what will happen in  the Future, which can help you get ready for challenges and chances  that could come your way.
Q4: What does Vedic mean in astrology?
  • It comes from  the Sanskrit word “Jyotish” which means “light” or “illumination.” This  is where the word “Vedic” in astrology comes from. In Vedic astrology, the relationship between a person and  the World is looked at as a whole. It comes from the idea that  things in space like Planets and Stars have  a big effect on our lives.
Q5: Who is the Father of Astrology?
  • People think that Parashara lived around 4000 BC and is known as  the founder of Vedic astrology. The Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, which  he wrote is considered a classic in  the field of Vedic astrology and is  still studied today.
Q6: Should I believe Vedic or Western astrology?
  • You are  not forced to choose either Vedic or Western horoscope. Both methods can  help you learn more about yourself and about Life in general. If you want  to understand your Horoscope in  a way that makes sense to you, you should talk to  a professional astrologer.
Q7: Is astrology true for marriage?
  • Astrology can help you figure out if  two people are a good  match for each other and predict problems and opportunities that might come up in  a Marriage. But it’s important to remember that astrology is  only one part of figuring out if two people are compatible. Personality, Beliefs and communication skills are  also very important for  a marriage to work. Finally, believing in Vedic astrology is  a matter of personal choice. It can  be helpful for people who want to learn more about  themselves and their life path.

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